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I hope you have found this page informative and go over it for yourself in coming to a conclusion on whether to accept
Jesus Christ as He is depicted in the Old Testament hundreds and thousands of years before His birth and in His New Testament fulfillment of those prophesies.
This ministry is here to teach and tell others about Christ through various means. The site was created through countless hours of study and work and is a continuing process of Prophecy Today Ministries. If you should feel led to give to this ministry, it will be used toward equipment, video broadcasting, and other resources necessary for the continuing work of PTM. We are a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt ministry, and you will be receipted for your gift. The PayPal link bellow will allow donations of various sizes and methods: You can also become a monthly partner:
Thank you and God Bless;
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Gal 3:28-29
There is no separation between those who are in Christ Jesus no matter what their heritage may be. All are one of the same body in Christ Jesus. We are His body and we are to do His will.
Rom 8:31-39