Prophecy Today Ministries | ||
This is a time for us to reflect and give thanks. Before we can truly do so, we must draw close to the one who gave us life and liberty. As the daylight hours grow short, we tend to have a darkened view of everyday life. We begin to worry over issues that are not really issues at all.
It is critical to know that the way we view a circumstance is what will enable us to overcome or be overcome.
This is why staying close to the Savior is so important during the Holiday Season. We stay close to the Lord through Thanksgiving and praise. Through our praise the Lord ministers to us His blessing. That is one heritage we have as Christian's.
Those who know the Lord have a victory that is far greater than anything that can be achieved through the world and concepts of self help progression.
We don't worship an idol but a living God who loves us and He calls us to worship that He may bless us.
This is important to remember while we strive to get good grades. We can be assured of having a victory that is beyond our best hopes and dreams. We must strive to do our best in all areas because it is our duty as Christians. But we must not lose heart if things don't always turn out for the best. Our heritage is far better than any fortune of wealth or achievement of any standard or measure. His Grace will be ministered to us for all the ages to come. We need to remember this when the enemy lies to us and tries to steal our joy. This can easily happen during the winter months. Get close to the Lord! That is the best prescription for any feeling of want or emptiness. His mercies endure forever and He inhabits the praises of His people.
We have a joy that supersedes all hopes given by the world.
We must remember this joy, and to embrace the love of the Savior. He saw us worthy of His death....The death of the
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